About Us

Social Touch And Reform

Social Touch and Reform is a dedicated organization committed to creating positive social change. With the support of kind-hearted individuals, we engage in various social services, including medical assistance, disaster relief, education support, and empowering marginalized communities. Our mission is to uplift society and inspire lasting transformation through compassion and service.

With the blessings and token monetary support of Humanitarian as well as kind-hearted two ladies Senior Citizens Smt. Anupama Das of Baranagar (Kolkata-36) and Smt. Bharati Mallick of Gariahat Road (Kolkata-29), some Service-holders of Govt. & Private sectors, Business-class persons, Pensioners, Agency workers, Self-employed Person, Private Tutor, and some house-Wives, – all they together initiated this Organisation ‘Social Touch And Reform’ that started rolling on Social Work field in January 2005 and that still works determinedly with its very limited Resources. Although this NGO had to bid goodbye to those two ladies Senior Citizens who already have left this human world. Now we carry their Inspiration as Candles in the never-ending ‘Relay Race’ of Social Work; we Float as Streams on a sea of Social Work as their Inspiration flows as current and sparks us to move more and more.

Since its inception in 2005, Social Touch and Reform has engaged itself in various social services, for the cause of the downtrodden section of the masses. When the entire world was affected by Covid-19, we involved ourselves in helping people who were deprived of medical attention, and concerned have-nots in post-natural calamities like Yaas, Amphan, etc. It also helped to continue education for students and extended financial help to Covid-19 patients. Our main concentration now is to build our Dream Project “TANPURA” which will be a Residential Shelter for Women as well as for Senior Citizens, a place where women will be provided support to stand on their feet being self-independent and where Senior Citizens can live happily so that they will feel comfortable for rest of their extended lives. 

“The world is indeed a mixture of truth and make-believe. Discard the make-believe and take the truth.” – – Ramakrishna Paramhansa

Activities – What We Did

Social Touch And Reform since January 2005 has been tirelessly surviving with a view to providing Social Services for the People’s Society at large.

This Organisation–

  • Performed another all-fresh Blanket Donation Programme on 3rdDecember2024 for 6 (six) unorganised fresh youths of Murshidabad (Dhulian & Farakka) Bengal  who presently are working in building repairing / painting job in Bankra-Birati area under a contractor.
  • A tri-partite whole-day Seminar was done in a Resort-Garden nearby New Town Kolkata-135 on the day of 17thNov’24 by our own NGO involving another NGO ‘Sreebhumi Jigeesha’ and an Organisation of Civil Society of Kolkata ‘Godhulir Aloy’ aiming to frame a joint effort for the well-being of Sr.Citizens and ailing persons.
  • Donated new Blankets to 52 (fifty two) People of ‘Below Poverty Level’ dwelling in and around Birati (Kolkata-51) on 6thOct’24 – i.e. at the beginning-time of DurgaPuja2024.

  • It was the 22ndSept2024, when, the Collaborative effort of 2-NGOs, namely, ‘Social Touch And Reform’ & ‘Sreebhumi Jigeesha’ reached to “Kamakhya Balak Ashram (Orphanage)” at Debipur Kaathor Road 24-Parganas (N), WB and thereafter to “Sri Ramakrishna Old-age Home” Nadibhag, Mollapara, Madhyamgram, Barasat (North) PIN – 700124 to Donate New Garments to all the 74 resident-Student (Orphans) of Balak Ashram and to all 12 Elderly-people of the Old-age Home at that location.

  • On Sept01 2024, at Layek Bazar Tapoban under Bolpur-Santiniketan, this NGO Donated variety-types Dress-products and Blankets to a total of 110 (approx.) people who have been found financially under extreme troubled condition.

  • In April & May 2024, Donations ₹6000/- & ₹1300/- given to Sri Subhasish Mazumder (a single parent / widower) of Kolkata-42 — for Medical (Clinical) Treatment of his majorly ailing Daughter (Miss Subhra Mazumder, a 19 yrs old girl studying at her Graduate-level) and for buying her study-books on emergent basis.

  • 100 people of below Poverty-level residing at Kanyadoba Village-area of Jhargram District WB attended an arranged Programme there on 20th January2024, and each of them got the benefit of our 100 ‘exclusively-new and branded’ Blankets Donation Programme.

  • On 7th January’24, Monetary Donation done to a Residential (Free) Shelter for Elderly Women ‘DEB ABAS’ situated at Pioneer Park Barasat, North 24-Pgs.

  • Dec.1 to 3(2023), “Haawa Bodal” wing of ‘Social Touch And Reform’ performed a 3 days’ Study-Tour on Socio-Econo-Cultural lives of People of Towns & Villages of Jhargram (WB). The Wing visited Jungle-Mahal proper (Jhargram), Bandarvula, Jitusol (Salboni), Jamboni, Lodhasuli, Belpahari, Kankrajhore, Amlasole, Aguibil and some other places.

  • Garments Donation Programme done at Beurgram Village (Chandrakona-I Sub-division, Paschim Medinipur Dist. WB) on On 15thSept2023 nicely for 128 heads, getting good participation of local Village people, local School Teachers and local Social Workers.

  • On 5th March 2023, Team ‘Social Touch And Reform’ with Smt. Lopamudra Dutta Choudhury (Vice Chairperson of North DumDum Municipality) distributed readymade nicely usable Garments of different types to 102 poor people of the Sahebdanga-Adivasipara Community located in Kankalitala Village Panchayat of Bolpur, Birbhum.
  •  Team ‘Social Touch And Reform’ on 5th March 2023, visited a non-formal school ‘Praaner Aaram Ashram’ situated beside Kankalitala Satipith Temple, Bolpur-Santiniketan and shared some sweet moments with the Ashram’s Teachers, Management and its 70(+) kids-students.
    Cakes, Chocolates and other Snacks were distributed to all the students of the Ashram. Guest-Volunteer for STaR cum Donor Smt. Lopamudra Dutta Choudhury   (Vice Chair Person of North Dum Dum Municipality), also worked there with the Team of STaR.
  • This NGO also heartily trying to coordinate some Social and Governmental Authorities/Institutions aiming to settle a Domestic Violence case
    (Mother-Son Property Conflict).
  • In September 2022, we donated ‘nicely usable’ ready-made garments to 164 poorest inhabitants living amongst the poor community of Patharghata-AdivasiPara (under Kankalitala Village Panchayat), Bolpur-Shantiniketan.
  • Donated a small token (cash) for temple construction (Hanuman Mandir) at Ranchi, Jharkhand in Jany’22
  • On 8th Oct’21 morning at KANKALITALA SATIPITH Bolpur-Santiniketan (Bribhum, WB), with the help of locals, this NGO distributed ALL NEW Garments (Sarees, Maxis, Kids’ Wares, Lingis) to 75 roadside destitutes; Masks with Sanitizer-Sachets also were distributed to all of them.
  • Relief Distribution Programme for more than 325 flood-affected people were done at places namely, Sonagaon (block no. 6) and Pakhiralaya Islands – located at South 24 Pgs. of Sundarban Delta on the whole day of 8thAugust’21.
  • In Aug2021, this NGO extended its helping hands to an economically victim-family of Barrackpore (WB).
  • Participated in “Global NGO Expo June’21 Meet” virtually happened in Telangana Hyderabad-4 and received Acknowledgement there as “one of the best NGO in India”.
  • Involved itself in May 2021 sending a token Donation to an aged gentleman in need of financial assistance who had been then admitted in Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital, Delhi being a Corona (wave-2) patient.
  • In October 2020, we donated 105 Ready Garments (Shirts, Sarees, Kurtis, Panjabis, Pants, Trousers, Kids’ Sets etc.) along with ₹6000/- to Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini Trust — Sadakshetra BF189, Salt Lake, Kolkata-64; — for distribution / utilisation of those for the victims of Covid19 pandemic & Amphan cyclone through their management.
  • Also Donated a very thin slice from our reserve-money to a school-kid of Kalindi Lake-Town who suddenly lost her Covid’19 victim ‘single-parent’ mother.
  • In August 2020, additionally Donated a token amount of Cash to PM CARES Fund of India which was its symbolic attachment with the Union Govt. initiative to combat Covid19 ‘all-health massacre’.
  • In June 2020, Donated a very small amount of Cash to West Bengal State Emergency Relief Fund that was fighting against the Pandemic Covid19 affecting India since March 2020 and against Amphan Super-Cyclone (20May’20) that horribly devastated a countable portions of Villages & Towns of WB.
  • 2019-20 : Done a Bonding with tsk-icfn; and participated in its prestigious Marathon-Run in Dec’19. ‘The Telegraph’, the daily-leading Indian Newspaper on 12th Feb 2020 flashed a bite of the STaR-President on its activity concentrated.
  • “Haawa Bodal” wing of Social Touch And Reform was for a 3-days Study-Tour (25 -27 Dec’18) to Bolpur-Santiniketan.
  • On 16th Dec’2018, we organised a Clothes Donation Programme at “TANPURA” Field, Sian (LayekBazar Mouza) Bolpur-Santiniketan and 174 needy persons including many children have received factory-fresh garments (ideal both for winter and summer seasons) there from us.
  • In August 2018 our team-tour studied the Socio-Economy, Culture and Environment of some villages of Sundarban, West Bengal.
  • On 13th July, 2018 Received ‘Foreign Contribution Regulation Act’ Registration from Govt. of India
  • This NGO, in January 2017, arranged its Members’-Seminar in a covered Garden-House located at Duttapukur, 24 pgs(N) and that beautifully refreshed all the members attended there.
  • This NGO in December 2016 developped a Relationship with Susrut Eye Fondation of Kolkata that served an eye-surgery for a poor widow free of any monetary charge honouring the relationship.
  • This NGO in Auguast 2016 has come forward, with its small-value finance, beside 3 young maids of Durgapur (Burdwan District) to protect the latters’ further (Post HS) study.
  • on 19th November’ 2015 (the auspicious ‘Mahasatami’ of Jaghadhatri Puja), this Organisation has donated sweaters, shawls, sarees, dhutis, shirts etc. to 35 distressed people found at KANKALITALA, SATI Temple (Bolpur) through the hands of operation head, doctors and non-medical staffs of Glocal Hospital (Bolpur) and through the hands of local youths of Kankalitala area.
  • on the Children’s Day (14th Nov) 2014 through a programme at Muzaffar Ahmed Sarani, Bankra, Kol-51, has donated All-new Garments to 135 poor children and fresh Sarees to 30 poor women.
  • has organised ‘Rice & Clothes Donation’ Programme for the poorest section of the poors at Birati-Bankra region (North 24 Pgs of W.B.) on 19th October, 2012; and has successfully served 146 poor people there.
  • has given its Catering Service for the Students and Staffs of the Scottish Church College, Kolkata on ‘no profit – no loss’ vision utilising the College’s Canteen-room situated at Millennium Building from period July’10 to June’12,
  • has programmed at Kolkata GPO Veranda in Sept.’11 for donating Clothes to 150 very-poor people,
  • has participated in National Environment Awareness Campaign Programme of Central Govt. in Birati-Bankra surroundings,
  • has conducted Medical Camp (free Check-up) Programme at Kol-51,
  • has run its Informal School for the Child-Labour in Bankra (Birati), Kol-51, — now discontinued.

Fields for Work Registered in DARPAN :
Aged / Elderly, Children, Civic Issues, Education & Literacy,Environment & Forests, Health & Family Welfare, Housing, Human Rights, Tourism, Women’s Development & Empowerment.

The Organisation is also preparing itself aiming to construct a Residential Shelter at Bolpur-Santiniketan WB for singly-living Women and Senior Citizens in which they would get Nourishment, Hospitality, Para-medical facility, Amusement through Recreation & Culture, Green Environment etc.

  • “TANPURA Project is a praiseworthy effort” — expressed by Dr. Bibek Debroy (Padma Shri) Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister of India (EAC-PM) on 20th April, 2020.

‘Struggle for Survival’ has been with this Organisation since very first 3rd day of Jany.2005. Members’ Subscriptions and Well-wishers’ Donations are still the only monetary resources. All Programmes of the Organisation have been materialised at the cost of the collected resources of its Members. But, to run all the noble programmes with only own resources for indefinite period of days is next to impossible for any Organisation, Tiny or Giant . The Organisation is now trying for financial assistances from Govt. Wings and also from Corporate Sectors.

Social Touch and Reform is dedicated to uplifting marginalized communities through compassionate social work. It provides medical aid, supports disaster-affected individuals, ensures education for students, and aims to establish “TANPURA,” a residential shelter promoting self-independence for women and offering a comfortable haven for senior citizens.

Social Touch and Reform envisions a society where every individual, regardless of their background, has access to essential resources, education, and healthcare. It strives to create an inclusive environment where women are empowered and senior citizens can live fulfilling lives, promoting harmony and well-being for all.

The objective of Social Touch and Reform is to empower marginalized communities by providing essential services, support, and resources. It aims to address social inequalities, improve access to healthcare and education, and foster an inclusive society where everyone has equal opportunities for growth and well-being.